
Friday, February 24, 2012

Fingerprint Identification System - A Primer

Fingerprint identification is considered to be an effective method of identification because no two persons have the same finger prints. This method of identifying individuals has been around for a long time, but the introduction of fingerprint identification software has really made it one of the best identification systems.
The software is widely available these days, so many companies and individuals are implementing it. In an office, it can help in identifying employees, partners and customers in a quick and easy way. In a personal setting, it could be used in a home. The technology is already being used in laptops.
The working of a fingerprint identification system can be divided into two steps. First it scans the fingerprint of the person. This is achieved with the help of a scanning machine that captures the image of the finger. There are a variety of scanners available in the market, such as the Crossmatch Verifier 300 and SecuGen Hamster IV, with different features. For example, the Hamster IV does not need to be promoted for scanning the finger - it automatically activities itself when a finger is placed on the sensor. The second step is the actual print identification. This involves matching of the scanned fingerprint with enrolled prints.
There are two ways of obtaining a biometric identification tool for fingerprints - one can build it on their own with the help of a software development kit (SDK) or purchase an already built system. Of course, the choice depends on available expertise, budget and time.
There are number of qualities that are desirable in the case of fingerprint Identification software. The first and foremost is, of course, accuracy. Software that provide the greatest accuracy, provide the greatest security. Accuracy can be affected by the condition of the finger. For example, scarred fingers are more difficult to scan. Another factor is speed. Identification should be fast, so that it causes as less interruption in work as possible.
Personalization is also a desirable option. When purchasing a fingerprint identification system, one should always check the personalization options. These options enable the user to adapt the software to their needs. The option of a picture along with the name of the identified person is also a good option to have.
Biometric identification is very helpful in maintaining security as it analyzes characteristics that cannot be easily stolen. Fingerprint identification software are a great application of this technology for both personal and business use.

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